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How do I change my delivery date?Updated a year ago

We will start processing your order as soon as you've placed and paid for it. Unfortunately, this means you will not be able to amend your delivery date yourself.

But, the good news is we might be able to make the change for you! Simply Contact Customer Support and we can look to help where possible.

If you have a subscription with us and you'd like to change the delivery date of your next order, all you have to do is:

  1. Log into your MuscleFood account.
  2. Click through to the 'Your subscriptions' section where your active subscription will be listed.
  3. Select 'Change Delivery Date' and choose your new date - you can pick a date up to 90 days in the future.
  4. Click 'Save Changes' and that's it!
  5. Alternatively you can delay the delivery by up to 3 weeks by using the 'Pause subscription' button.

Please note - you will only be able to change your delivery date as long as your order hasn't been processed yet.

And don't forget, if you get stuck or have any questions our support team will be happy to help here.

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