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Can I pause or cancel my subscription?Updated a year ago

Of course! If you go away on holiday we can put your deliveries on hold until you return or deliver to another address. 

If you want to pause your plan: 

  1. Simply log in to your account
  2. Under 'Your subscription'
  3. Scroll to your active subscription and click ‘Pause subscription' button
  4. You can then select whether you'd like to pause for 1, 2 or 3 weeks
  5. Then save your changes by clicking 'Pause subscription'

Or, if you want to cancel your plan: 

  1. Simply log in to your account
  2. Under 'Your subscription'
  3. Scroll to your active subscription and click ‘cancel subscription' button
  4. Save your changes and your subscription will be cancelled.

If there are any issues please don't hesitate to contact us, and one of our friendly customer support team members will be happy to help.

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